ODS Flow Instruments strives to achieve maximum customer satisfaction through reliability in the areas of quality, delivery time, health, safety, environment and technological progressiveness in order to achieve a prosperous future for our company, our stake holders and all our employees. ODS Metering Systems B.V. is committed to reduce risks by awareness of health, safety and environmental performance across all our activities and operations, we are committed to the goals of:
- protecting Human health, avoiding harm to all personnel involved in, or affected by, our activities;
- complying with applicable environmental and legal regulations and requirements in the locations in which we operate.
Quality Assurance
ODS Metering Systems B.V. developed a Quality Management System (QMS) to obtain implementation of the processes through the organization and to aim for continuous improvements of its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001. These continuous improvements are ongoing efforts to improve products, services or processes. These efforts can seek “incremental” improvement over time or “breakthrough” improvement all at once. Delivery (customer valued) processes are constantly evaluated and improved in light of their efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility.

Health, Safety and Environment
Our objective is to create a safe and hazard-free work environment by training, creating awareness, employee participation and ultimately achieve the goal of preventing all accidents and injuries. Our Health, Safety and Environmental policy also provides basis to prevent pollution, in any form, as a result of the design, manufacturing or operation of our systems. ODS Metering Systems is committed to fully comply with all applicable legal regulations.
To achieve these HSE goals, we will:
- ensure and control that there is strong leadership and very clearly defined responsibilities and accountabilities for HSE at all levels of the organization;
- ensure and control that necessary resources are made available for effective HSE management;
- implement an VCA Management System that provides guidance on objectives and performance standards to which the Company aspires;
- identify, assess and manage HSE risks to people, the environment and assets as an integral part of the business. Acknowledge the hazards and risks associated with employees’ jobs;
- select competent staff, contractors and suppliers to manage and support the business;
- provide with sufficient information and supervision, and invest in HSE training to ensure individuals can perform their work safely and with due regard for the environment;
- maintain procedures which will allow an effective response in the event of an emergency; and
- continually evaluate and seek to improve our HSE performance through regular reporting, audits and reviews.